Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Written after the Ducks loss in the last Pac 12 game


There comes a time in every game where you feel that your team will win or lose.  For me, last night, mine was the very first offensive play of the Ducks. 

Bo Nix was confident.  He had been working up to this moment and he was prepared.  In his mind, all was calm.  He watched as his primary ran a crossing route.  He took a deep breath and saw the point where his pass and the receiver would meet and he threw to it. 

The problem was that at that exact spot…stood a ref.  As the receiver ran behind the ref, the ball hit right in the numbers….of the ref. 

Immediately, in my head, I saw an ad.  In the ad, a group of people are so excited to have football again after Covid.  But, in the first play, something happens that is so intense, so stark, that they feel their year is over. 

I had that feeling as the ball bounced off of the refs chest.  And, I feel that play also shook up Bo.  In fact,  the most accurate passer in college football missed five of his first six passes.

As I wrestled with the disappointment of what I had just saw, it actually helped to lessen the disappointment of the loss coming in those few hours.  Even when they went up by 4 towards the end of the third, I just did not feel right. 

As I watched Bo’s parents wrestle with the desire to have their son win.  After all, the platform in front of Bo was clear.  Win and the Ducks are probably in the playoffs, Bo probably wins the Heisman, and the dreams of a magical season are bright. 

I remember seeing a woman close to them who had her hands folded in front of her.  She seemed to be praying.  I wondered if she was asking for the same thing that I was asking for.

In my head, I envisioned players throughout the stands asking for the same result.  A win for their team.  Their were believers on both sides asking God to allow their young men to be the ones that come out on top. 

Now, hours later, in the middle of the night, that one play resonates in my mind.  It actually changed my perspective of the game. 

I still watched the game, still hoping for the win.  But I saw other things also.  I saw people that I have personally met and actually have talked with.  Some of whom I actually have their phone numbers and have spoken and texted with.

Dan Lanning, Osman Kamara, and Matt Noyer.  I thought of conversations, of meetings, of texts. Recently, I had texted Osman in the middle of a game down in Arizona where I watched him have a player sign a shoe and place it on a trophy. 

As I watched Trae Holden catch the ball and score bringing the Ducks within 3 and I remembered taking a picture with him and talking to him on the sidelines.

As I am writing this, I have youtube playing various Christmas songs.  One of them was of an old man who was putting up his tree and various things on and around the tree brought back memories to him. 

Memories…the foundation of your life, of your perspective, of your health. 

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